The final version of the MSU game that I made for the "2D Shooter Project". This time, I've added:

Actual instructions for the "Instruction" button!

A background sprite for Level 3 called "Join Us Or Perish"!

A Level 3 Player avatar - along with a Level 4 Player sprite I considered using but never did as I didn't make a 4th level. Same thing could be said for the failed attempt at adding purple ammo fire for said LV 3 avatar.

The Pre-determined LEVEL 3!!

A bunch more Alien Space stations with a starry background mixed with the "borealis" effect and 39 aggressive enemies.

The "New Game" Button doesn't exist now....


And that's all. Torment yourself at your own limit - don't say I didn't warn you...


There are better 2D shooters out there than this mess I've made. It's unlisted for a reason.

Created by,

 A Random College Student


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