2D Shooter Tutorial Project
This is my MSU 2D Shooter Project. I added a lot more enemies, backgrounds, and borders into the game to make each level feel much more bigger and populated than the ones in the tutoring video. However, it could still be better - hence, this is more of a test than anything.
I also edited the player's sprite for the second level and plan to do the same for the third if - or when - I add it. I turned said sprite into a character called "Level 2 Player".
I also made a hidden sprite art that is deemed and also spells out in game, "You Are Not You"...
I'll let you ruminate on that for a bit.
Level 2 is also decorated with some "AlienSpaceStation" sprites of various sizes to add to the atmosphere and help tell a story as you seem to go deeper into the nest of your foes. Time can only tell what is happening to you as your circumstances take a turn for the worst.
Level 1 has about 13 enemies, while Level 2 has 30. Good luck!
Created by a College Student.
Install instructions
The "Instructions" Button on the Main Menu - contrary to what it says - shares absolutely NOTHING.
So, I'll give you some tips.
Move the mouse to look around with your JET and aim.
Click the Mouse's Right Button to Fire enemies with questionable Space Bullets.
Use the Escape Key on your Keyboard (ESC) to Pause the Game.
As there is no next level after Level 2, clicking the "Next Level" Button on it's Victory Screen will simply return you to the Main Menu. There, you can either go on with your merry day as per usual, or suffer some more on this pointless 2D Shooter you found.
Seriously - there's gotta be a 2D Shooter more worth your time then this mess. Please - keep lookin'...
Oh, and the "New Game" Button does ZILCH-